
Meerkat reads configuration from a text file in TOML format. By default meerkat reads from the path /etc/meerkat.toml. An alternative file may be specified with the -config flag. For example:

meerkat -config /tmp/something/meerkat.toml

The following configuration options are available:


The address, in host:port format, to serve meerkat from. For example The default is “:8080” i.e. all IPv4, IPv6 addresses port 8080.

HTTPAddr = ""

Icinga The URL for an instance of Icinga serving the Icinga API

IcingaURL = ""

The username and password with which to authenticate to Icinga. Normally set in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf on your Icinga2 master.

IcingaUsername = "meerkat"

If IcingaInsecureTLS to true, verification of the TLS certificates served by the Icinga API is skipped. This is usually required when Icinga is configured with self-signed certificates.

IcingaInsecureTLS = true

If events havent been received for the value of IcingaEventTimeout in seconds then resubscribe to the event stream.

IcingaEventTimeout = 30

HTTP2 If SSLEnable to true, meerkat will serve data over http2 using the crt and key. A ssl cert and key is required if you enable ssl. This option is required for multiple dashboards to function, Meerkat uses eventstreams which are limited in http1, http2 has a higher limit.

SSLEnable = true
SSLCert = ""
SSLKey = ""

Logging and Debug If LogFile is true, meerkat will log to file. If LogConsole is true, meerkat will log to console. All log files are stored in the Path specified in the LogDirectory.

LogFile = true
LogConsole = false
LogDirectory = "log/"

If IcingaDebug set to true meerkat will output icinga api debug information.

IcingaDebug = false


There is a sample configuration file in contib/meerkat.toml.example which is used when running the contrib install scripts.